International Association for East-West Studies (IAES)
We are active interlocutors of East-West thoughts
IAES (https://iaesonline.org) is a non-profit organization and is established for the purpose of:
1. Promoting intellectual exchange, cooperation, and amity among East-West scholars in North America and the world; 2. Contributing to the development of higher education in East-West Countries; 3. Enhancing East-West friendship and mutual understanding; 4. Committing to academic freedom, due process, and collegiality.
The following are eligible for membership: 1. any individual of East-West scholars who has a doctoral degree in East-West studies, or equivalent, or is a faculty member or researcher in East-West studies or related fields at the rank of instructor or equivalent or higher in an institution of higher learning (including universities, colleges, and other institutions); 2. any individual who is interested in East-West studies or other related academic subjects; 3. Each member must pay annual membership fees to the organization as set by the Board of Directors and approved by most members.
The Board shall hold an annual general assembly of the organization. The activities which the Board can organize or for which committees can be appointed may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- scholarly panels at academic conferences or forum discussions among members;
- social gathering of members;
- special seminars;
- workshops;
- scholarly visits;
- fundraising.
- academic publication
- Journal of East-West Thought
Journal of East-West Thought has been Published on behalf of the International Association for East-West Studies https://iaesonline.org
Journal of East-West Thought has published 53 issues since December 2011
JET Inside Front Cover & Inside Back Cover
- Editor-in-Chief
- Co-Editor
- Advisory Board Members
- Editorial Committee Members
- Review Editors
- Copy Editor
- Online Editor
JET is a Home for East-West Thinkers
JET aims to combine Western and non-Western perspectives to construct an integrative and cosmopolitan perspective that will benefit an international community of educators.
PEER REVIEW FORM (Form Body, Confidential)